Pasture Fresh® Venison is extraordinarily healthy given its organic upbringing.
The Venison Pasture Fresh® process:

Have very little fat (around 1-3% of the meat mass), with less saturated fats than common meats.
Produce tender and delicately succulent meat, the product of a clean and natural environment. Pasture Fresh® farms have extensive open pastures, large amounts of rain, and good soil, making them ideal for venison farming.
Are never housed or put in feedlots but on the contrary kept outside, regulated by government associations.
Are never fed grain-based diets but rather grass and hay.
Contain a far higher iron content as compared with other meats, especially HEMO iron.
Are entirely free of BSE, foot-and-mouth and other diseases due to geographical distance from other countries and effective border control.
Are a great source of zinc to strengthen defenses. Just 100 g of Pasture Fresh® venison provides 35% of the zinc required daily. Deer is the second most recommended food to increase the zinc consumed.
Are packed with B vitamins, containing vitamins B12 and B16 in abundance, essential for giving us energy, avoiding depression and facilitating the digestion of food. Pasture Fresh® Venison has more vitamin B than conventionally-raised beef.
Provide linoleic acid, extremely necessary for the development of cell membranes, which allow the proper functioning of our body.
The graph below illustrates the outstanding health benefits of Pasture Fresh® Venison as compared to other more common meats.
Pasture Fresh® Venison leg medallion | |
| Pork loin steak - trimmed |
| Beef scotch fillet - trimmed |
| Lamb loin chop - trimmed |
| Skinless chicken breast |
Protein (g)

Total Fat (g)

Iron (g)

Zinc (g)

Saturated Fat (g)

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